The Fair Month of June…..

Ahhh! The fair month of June comes round faster each year, it doesn't seem two minutes since I was cleaning and clearing my pheasant rearing field from last season. I’m now busy re-erecting, ready for my first lot of chicks arriving on the second week of this month, what can I expect this year in respect of mishaps, weather and suicides?

Suicides you ask ?
Well for anybody who has never reared pheasant let me tell you from coming out of the shell a pheasant does nothing but look for a place to get stuck or stick its head through and die! The first two weeks can be the worst - add in fluctuating temperatures and wet weather, mix together and just wait for complete disaster.

Wet weather seems to be the long range forecast so a few sleepless nights for me, however before I paint a picture of doom and gloom I must say I do get great satisfaction rearing the birds and our customers satisfaction as they receive their birds on their respective shoots

With the extra water we've had lately our salmon fishermen have had some good sport with large numbers of fish in the system and catches have being good.
In the past few weeks myself and a friend have installed water wheels at the side of the mill ( non working of course) and the people who have seen it say it's a really nice feature, indeed inside the mill things have being upgraded as well. We are always looking to make it better and better, repeat customers are always commenting on the difference each year they come.The play area we have installed has been a big hit with our younger, ( and one or two of our older) customers.

Well wish me luck because pheasant rearing here I goooooooo!

Carl the Ghillie